Wednesday 28 January 2015

Kolam Panas Panchor/Panchor Hot Springs, Kg. Panchor

Outside view of Panchor Hot Springs
Kampung Panchor Hot Springs is located at Kampung Panchor Dayak, 40km from Kuching City, and it is surrounded by lush green jungles and beautiful landscapes.

Junction leading to Panchor Hot Springs
The road connecting the main highway to the hot springs itself is mostly surfaced with tar, but only the part nearing the hot spring, approximately 1km or less is still surfaced with gravel.
Entrance ticket
The entrance fee is RM4.00 per person if you're an adult or a child above 12 years old, and RM1.00 for children below 12 years old. The operating hours are from 7.00a.m. until 10.00p.m.
Ticket counter
Canteen selling refreshments for visitors
View from the hut overlooking the parking lot
Newspaper article featuring the hot spring's health benefits.
According to the newspaper cutting, the hot spring is believed to be able to cure chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. An interesting point to note in the newspaper cutting as it was stated that a woman whose husband was suffering from heart disease was brought to the hot spring every week for three consecutive months, and having done that, the husband was cured and the news was spread to those who are around.

Reminder to visitors (it is in Bahasa Malaysia)
The walkway leading to the hot spring
The hot spring itself is a non-smoking zone
Reminder and warning for visitors
The temperature of the hot spring reaches up to 42 degrees Celsius, and there are safety precautions in entering the hot spring.

Another signage at the hot spring.
The steam produced by the hot spring. It's really hot!
Amazing photography shot at the hot spring. Credits to Mahathir for the awesome pic.
How to get there : from Kuching City, drive all the way to Siburan (13th Mile), and go straight. There are 2 entrances to go to Panchor Hot Springs, one near to Kuching and another one near to Serian. There is a signboard showing Panchor Hot Springs, and the road is the same road that leads to SMK Tun Abdul Razak. The road is small and winding, so be extra cautious when driving.

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