Tuesday 29 November 2016

Perodua Viva : Changing Air Press

In my time of hiatus, I changed my Viva's air press from Move style to Mugen style. I broke my air press as it was soft and I accidentally pushed the air press while trying to close the door.

Move style air press - wider
The broken piece
The air press was hideous, so I decided to buy a new one from Lelong, where I found a seller who was selling Mugen style air press for RM50.

The air press, delivered safely
It was delivered to my house within 2 days of ordering it online. Although I've read that GDEX's reputation is not that good, but I was satisfied with it.

New air press installed
The air press is not as wide as the Move style
It took me half an hour to open up the old air press and installed the new one. The old double tape is hard to peel off, so use a pen knife to scrape off the old double tape.

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